Monday, January 18, 2016

Snowshoe Softball...I wanna play!!

Ok, Im still stuck in California and we're still months away from moving, but it feels so close, I now refer to it as "weeks".  In the meantime, I find more and more cool stuff to do when we get there.  Check this out, a snowshoe softball tournament in Priest River..... Yes!!

Thursday, January 14, 2016

It's good to have Friends

I feel fortunate that we already have a few friends in place to ease our journey to Idaho.  My husband is a firefighter and several of his firefighter "brothers" have also discovered the beauty of the Sandpoint area and have made a moved there. Here's a pic of our friend's new home in Priest River, 35 mins west of Sandpoint.   Luckily they were able to move in just before their first white Christmas.  
Here's a pic of my Idaho girls, after brunch at Hills Resort up at Priest Lake.