Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Great CDA Video

Warm weather is almost here, but I wanted to share this amazing video I found about growing up in Coeur d'Alene.  I really hope I grow to love it as much as these kids seem to. ....Only 3 more weeks til the big move!


  1. I just discovered your blog. I'd love to move to CDA, Post Falls or Sandpoint myself. For me the problem is a visa/ green card though as I'm Polish.
    Greetings from Ireland!

  2. So it's the end of September already. What happened ? Have you moved yet? Any adventures? And how's the town itself? Do you like shopping options etc?

  3. haha, Wow Kamomi, I didnt know I had any visitors to this blog yet. To be honest, I was just in "test" mode and would work on it while I was at my job and bored. Then I quit my job and moved to Sandpoint! It has been one adventure after another,a really great summer.... and YES, I need to update the blog! So much to tell folks about. Thanks for giving me a nudge to get it done.
